Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Proudest Moment So Far.

It is not every day you can say you're having your most proud moment as a teacher, thus far. In six years of teaching, I have been proud a lot. But I have never been as proud as I was today to conduct my students at the Washington National Cathedral. They stood, 35 fifth graders, strong and joyous as they sang for a congregation of several hundred Episcopal School peers. What a blessing to have been there with them today.


Casey said...

I wish I could have been there! I can only imagine what it was like. Was it hard to hold back tears or were you beaming the whole time? Congratulations!

Alecia Berman-Dry said...

Dare I embed the performance here? I have a feeling that you have some feelings about that...keeping the kids' identities safe or something? Not identifying yourself? I dunno. Do you want the link? hmmmmm??