Thursday, June 19, 2008


This afternoon during "rest", I went to the library to do some reading. I was searching for the perfect "nook" that I could make mine for the next two weeks. I walked up the winding staircase of the palatial library and wandered into the "Art Book" room. I turned the corner and ah-ha, there it was a corner slightly quadrilateral-like room complete with window seat and two chair table. I knew it was mine. I opened up the window shade to allow the natural light and hunkered down. It was not until I took a moment to look up that I realized I was in the "music book" section. To my right-Mahler. To my left-Wagner and Weill. Ah....

(just for those of you who care, dinner was Moroccan spiced flank steak, braised fennel, mashed potatoes, and spinach/gorgonzola salad...oh and at "teacher camp", they serve alcohol with dinner!)

The evening session in our diversity small groups is over and now it is time to read some more....then write...then bed.

Good Night, dear reader.

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