a happy dog. Of this I'm sure. My love bug had a nice run with his Dad friday before coming to my house and enduring a terrible Saturday morning thunderstorm (he's petrified of storms) and redeeming the day with a climb up Sugarloaf Mountain. It was a steep hike and he was incredibly well behaved and, I believe, he enjoyed the summer foliage and craggy trail.
Since our mountain hike yesterday he has seen fit to be completely sacked out on the couch, floor, bed, pillows. He is showing true signs of contentment. This makes me very happy.
This morning we sit, enjoying a lazy morning with the windows open and the trees outside willowing in the breeze. I enjoy coffee as he enjoys his morning nap. I sometimes wonder if I have ever loved as much as I love this dog. He is the source of unconditional joy, happiness, laughter, and comfort. I only hope that I provide for him as much as he provides for me.
Life is sweet.
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