Friday, November 17, 2006

Marathon Number Five

This afternoon, my husband, friends and I will leave for Philadelphia where we will run the marathon on Sunday. This is my husband's first marathon so I am very excited for him. It is my fifth marathon and that takes on a whole new ball game.

I have reached that point in my running life where I have to make significant changes; get faster, run harder, change my focus, try something new. It is at this crossroads, where my path decision is not as easy.

I refer to the running article in Runner's World this month on heroes, specifically Paul Tergat and Mike Huckabee. Paul Tergat is a world class runner from Kenya and he is a national hero, inspiring others and essentially using his winnings to educate his entire town. Mike Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas, lost over 100 pounds, changed his lifestyle and now uses his marathon running lifestyle to inspire children in the United States to eat healthy and exercise. He has introduced sweeping legistlation to get the junk out of the lifestyles of children. (He also, by the way, is an amazing arts education advocate!!)

I have run every race for myself. I have talked about my marathons with my students, but have never inspired anyone through my own running. I have enjoyed it, hated it, loved it, laughed through it, cried during it, and grown through it, but what have I given to benefit others through it?

Perhaps in this fifth year of my running life, I must search out opportunity to use my love of running to benefit others. To be a local voice for living a healthy lifestyle and attempting to stay fit.

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