Wednesday, June 13, 2007

You'd think it would be relaxing?

Ahh...summer. That every blessed time in a teacher's life when one can rest, rejuvenate, read, relax, and take care of everything that gets put off from September to June. Umm, yeah, right....

In my ever pressing quest to gain knowledge, read, write, and engage in educational discourse, I decided it would be a good idea to take two grad classes in one summer session. Six weeks of classes-four nights a week-three hours a night-homework every day and one big stinking paper=6 credits and one fried brain.

I am in my second week of this misguided choice and my brain is tired. I thought it would be great, class at night, train and homework during the day. That was before I stepped into School Law. The workload and concepts are not tragically difficult, but the reading, oh the reading. I love to read. I read for pleasure and for knowledge. At one time, I seriously considered going to law school to help build my understanding in order to go into school policy. I have completed reversed any thinking that I ever had in that realm because of three classes of School Law.

Training? Sure, but only if I continue to get up at 5:30am in the summer. Great for the impending heat, but still so early.

It burns the toast of every teacher to hear from non-teacher's "you have the summer off, nice job". But I think that I have officially put myself on the "do not even think about saying that to me list". I have done this by my own free will, but it doesn't make the first week of summer easier....

It will be relaxing in five weeks.

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