Tuesday, October 14, 2008

reflections on a hot race.

Place: Chicago, IL
Date: Oct. 12, 2008
Time: 8am-12pm
Distance: 26.2 miles

Positives: Finally running a marathon with my dear RP, 13.1 miles with two best friends, seeing old friends, my latina omlette in Andersonville, running in a new city, really easy bag check, a LOT of water stops, lots of cheering crowds, a pink and brown long sleeved running tee, jamba juice at the finish line, pushing hard through a lot of pain in mile 25, beating the creepy guy in red spandex, staying under 4 hours by the hair on my chinny chin chin, three really tasty pints of beer afterwards and going to sleep at 7:30pm!!!

Not-so-positives: 65 deg. at 6am, concrete and pot holes, an odd lime gu incident around mile 20, smelly streets, 80 deg at 11am, no shade ever, really tired feet, mile 25, feeling alone at the finish and really needing a hug, 85 degrees at noon.

At the end of the day it was not my best race (though it was my best time) but it was a good experience. I'm thankful for friends, volunteers, and God for helping me fight through mile 25 when all I wanted was to lay down on the ground and take a nap.

On to Philly. Nov. 23rd

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