Monday, August 18, 2008

morning unplugged

I unplugged this morning. Seeking rather the sanctity of the local woods with my trusty four-legged companion, we approached the morning with quiet. As we slowly took our time traversing the familiar rock-laden chocolate paths I tried to be very observant of what was around us. A brief period of time spent in true gratefulness for all that God has put before me, both in nature and in life.

We took in the verdant vibrancy of the green canopy that almost completely shelters the path from the morning sun. Yet, the yellow glisten of the morning found itself able to peek through the holes in the forest roof. The air was crisp and fresh and completely unusual for an early August morning in the DC metro. The traditional mug and fog layer did not exist and was seemingly replaced by the cool morning air of fall. Though this set of woods is not far off from civilization on this particular morning, it felt as though we had escaped. We had miles to ourselves and took to our familiar blue and green route path. We did not encounter any other creatures, but were certainly aware of the birds around us. Their morning song reminded us of the glory to beheld when we quiet our minds and hearts and spend time in communion with the Lord and His creation.

Using this walk as a meditative practice really had an impact on my day. While Buddy enjoyed his sniffing and tromping through our walk, I used the time to think, pray, and focus my mind on a spirit of gratefulness, confession, and seeking of redemption, guidance, and grace. I believe that these few moments of being unplugged, disconnected from the world and plugging into my surroundings and thoughts really set up the rest of the days hours for good.

I think that in the bustle of day to day that I easily forget the joy that quieting of the heart and mind provides. It is a seemingly easy practice, but quick to be lost on the check list. Luckily, God is patient and always there when I return to Him.


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