Monday, September 8, 2008

Wisconsin is SO much more than cheese.

Just got home from Wisconsin where I had a wonderful weekend driving all around WI for all kinds of events. Wisconsin was beautiful, the people kind, and Madison perhaps the coolest college town I've ever seen. I successfully had cheese (and/or dairy) at every meal! I am exhausted, but want to share two major highlights.

Running 13.1 miles in some random country town North of Osh Kosh wearing a GB Packers Cheese Head affixed to my head with packing tape...along with the best RP ever. We ran fast AND had cheeseheads.

Watching the winners come in while working the Finish Line of Ironman Wisconsin. Chris McDonald was 12+ minutes ahead of the second man while completing his second IM race in 8 days. We were so close that we could smell him. (He was surprisingly fresh) We got to stand next to Paula Newby-Fraser as we waiting for the women's winner Hillary Biscay. She was so nice and so happy (and again, surprisingly fresh). Then we watched the next 200 people come in as we recorded each number one at a time as they crossed. To watch the finish line volunteer machine while standing hearing over and over again "You're an Ironman" was humbling and extremely emotional. I'm a thoroughly honored to have shared in that finish experience for a short time.

And am now come the next 12 months to prepare to hear those words in my own life and to be caught by Bill's amazing volunteers. (Bill will be running, but he's still the catcher captain to me). I'm scared, excited, nervous, and unsure---but I know that through all of it, I will learn, grow, and be stronger. I can't wait to hear those words.


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