Monday, April 21, 2008

rain reminders

Today it is raining. In fact, it has been raining since yesterday; though it did stop raining long enough for a very tough 10k. The weather-folk of channel 4 say that there might be 2 inches of rain before it stops. Rain is a funny thing. I can't say that I particularly love it, but today it is ok. We do not have school today and I have enjoyed a day of leisure mixed with work. I have done some reading, some writing, some grocery shopping, some laundry, and will do some cooking in a while.

Part of me is sad that I can't ride my bicycle or run today, but on the other hand, I did both this weekend and the rain is my reminder that rest is ok. Life is so hectic, working, studying, teaching, training, cleaning, thinking....the rain limits my options, which is good. Sometimes I find myself so full of choices or so bogged down by the planner that I stress more than is necessary. This rainy day has provided me a reminder that taking a time to refresh is natural, it is part of the cycle of life. God refreshes and nourishes our earth with rain, just as we must take the time to refresh and nourish our minds and bodies by rest.

Rain, rain, beautiful rain.

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