Saturday, May 10, 2008

speed racer.

I felt like a speed racer this morning. Mind you all is relative in the arena of my being a "speed racer" as it compares to others, but for me, it was a good race. I ran the fastest 5k of my life despite nasty weather conditions and a really tough hill at mile 2.5. I offer my thanks to the slightly frustrating dude behind me from the turn around to mile 2.5 who slapped his feet in the rain just enough behind me to make me try to run from him....I probably would have slowed down more if he hadn't been using me as his personal pacer. I also offer my thanks to the really fast ladies ahead of me (there were five of them) who made me feel like I belonged in the fast ladies club for the day. They are an inspiration to me in more ways than I can explain.

It has been a tough few months and running has had its ups and downs. I don't run races to win, but every once in a while it can't hurt.

For the record: Musical Madness 5k, Maple Lawn, MD. 22:01 (PR and course improvement of 47 seconds) Sixth overall woman, 1st in 20-29 (for the second year!)

This is a great run and it supports the music department at Reservoir High School in Fulton. The student musicians were absolutely fantastic and brought me back to a time of making music with my friends. The brass double quintet made standing in the rain completely worthwhile.

Have a nice day, dear reader.

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