Thursday, May 29, 2008

winding down.

The school year is near its completion. The children and teachers are weary so we fill the days with field days, games, movies, and ceremonies to pass the time. The grades are in, the conferences are being held and we all long for that last bell that indicates that freedom has arrived. I don't think it would be different if school lasted longer or ended before Memorial Day, we will all still have this anticipation of the lazy days of summer.

I am excited for what this summer holds. I am looking forward to learning and growing in my program through the Klingenstein Center. Two weeks sequestered on a beautiful campus with 75 other young teachers who will challenge and support each other to be our best. I am excited to stretch myself and be a drama/reading coach in the late summer as kids prepare for their new year of learning. I am scared at the prospect of writing the entire schedule for the entire school where I will please no one but serve the kids well.

But I too, long for those lazy days. Swim meets and sunscreen. Walks in the park. Sandy toes and ice cream kisses. Walking through the National Mall and getting annoyed at tourists who don't know how to use the Metro. Crabs and beer. The Orioles. Afternoon naps. Really early morning track workouts before it gets really hot. Reading lots of books. Watching the summer blockbuster film. Indigo Girls at Wolf Trap (turning 30)...Ah how I am a true cancer-love my summer.

Six Days....

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